


  • Computing-assisted web interviewing
  • Computer-assisted personal interviewing
  • SMS Survey
GNN Research Group - Online Quantitative Research

Online Surveys

We design expert quantitative research studies with focus on research objectives, time constraints and quality controls. The results delivered are crisp, focused and clearly actionable.

  • We are the leading online panel provider across Gulf countries with proprietary research only panels. With Specialized B2C and B2B panels we always ensure that the panelists are unbiased, engaged and responsive.
  • High retention of our panel members allows us to run syndicated research as well.
  • Expertise in the sampling techniques enables our samples to be in line with the national representative sample.
  • Local presence across Gulf and African markets enables us to target low incidence group effectively and efficiently.

SMS Based Surveys

GNN’s SMS based/handheld device surveys are easy, quick, economical and reliable. We would be able to conduct surveys according to the requirements of the study and geography.

  • Instant data collection report
  • Realtime data and analysis report
  • Impressive online dashboards
GNN Research Group - Online Perception Analyzer

Perception Analyzer

A wireless, hand-held device used to answer questions/provide feedback during focus groups, presentations, meetings, etc. which will be connected to a small wireless receiver, called a console and to a computer. Perception Analyzer software immediately tallies the results. Results are instantly available for personal viewing or to display in graphical format which can be exported in Excel, PowerPoint, SPSS, in HTML, and as JPG or PDF for presentations purpose.